Ber Verdensbanken stoppe lån og utbetalinger til Uganda

170 sivilsamfunn-organisasjoner, deriblant Sex og Politikk, ber Verdensbanken reagere på Ugandas antihomolov.
Torsdag denne uken sendte 170 sivilsamfunn-organisasjoner et brev til Verdensbankens president Ajay Banga, der de ber om at banken suspenderer alle utbetalinger og lån til Uganda. Dette som en reaksjon på at landet innførte særdeles strenge antihomo-lover for noen uker siden. I Norge har foreningen Sex og Politikk og foreningen FRI skrevet under på brevet.
De fleste av disse gruppene og organisasjonene som har skrevet under anmodningen har hovedkontor i land som låner penger fra banken.
Organisasjonene understreker viktigheten av å huske at de omfattende bestemmelsene i den ugandiske loven mot homoseksualitet blant annet krever at Verdensbank-prosjekter utelukker LHBT-personer fra å motta fordeler ved utviklingsaktiviteter. Loven pålegger også de som driver visse utviklingsaktiviteter knyttet til LHBT-personer straffereaksjoner.
Her er en kopi av brevet, sant listen over hvilke organisasjoner som har signert brevet:
President Ajay Banga
World Bank Group
1818 H Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20433 USA
June 15, 2023
Dear President Banga,
As activists committed to inclusive economic development from around the world, we write to you to urge your proactive leadership to ensure that the World Bank takes specific, concrete and timely actions in response to Uganda’s abhorrent Anti-Homosexuality Act.
The sweeping provisions of this new law paralyze any hope for shared prosperity for all Ugandans and will cause grave harm to the World Bank’s operations in the country. As the world’s most important institution addressing poverty and ending economic inequality, it is a critical time for the World Bank to live up to its own stated commitments.
We write to underscore the position of Uganda’s Convening for Equality (CFE) which has urged the World Bank to take action, including by stopping payment on current loans to Uganda and suspending future lending in Uganda until the law is struck down by the Constitutional Court. We also urge that such World Bank action be made public.
Such decisive action is necessary given Board-mandated policies that govern the World Bank. For example, the Environmental and Social Framework requires that countries ensure that “adverse impacts do not fall disproportionately on the disadvantaged or vulnerable, and they are not disadvantaged in sharing any development benefits and opportunities resulting from the project.” The World Bank Directive on Addressing Risks and Impacts on Disadvantaged or Vulnerable Individuals or Groups and the Good Practice Note on Non Discrimination: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) require that the Bank assess, mitigate and avoid exclusion and discriminatory impact based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Furthermore, such actions are necessary in order to send a strong message to several other countries currently considering similar discriminatory legislation that the World Bank will live up to its own values and rhetoric and will comply with its own policies regarding the importance of inclusivity as a driver of economic development.
We appreciate the World Bank’s statement issued on May 31 in which it said that Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act is “not consistent with the values of non-discrimination and inclusion that the institution upholds.” But we remain concerned about the absence of follow-up actions by the World Bank after this condemnatory statement. Thus far in response to Uganda’s 2023 law, the World Bank has NOT stated what range of possible actions it may take in the face of such a deeply discriminatory law that plainly violates its policies or clearly stated that a review will be conducted to determine a course of action in response to the new law. This must be remedied immediately.
This new law in Uganda will profoundly negatively impact many aspects of the lives of Ugandans as well as World Bank operations. Provisions which require mandated reporting to police of anyone suspected of having committed “the offense of homosexuality” (or any offense in the Act) and criminalize “promotion of homosexuality” violate basic rights to privacy, free expression, freedom of association as well as access to essential social services. World Bank staff and anyone working on World Bank-funded projects could be caught by these provisions of the law, among others. The law drives marginalized people away from needed services and actively mandates state sponsored discrimination and violence against real or perceived LGBTIQ people in all areas of livelihood – from employment, to housing, to health care and education.
In response to a similar law in Uganda in 2014, the World Bank announced a delay of a USD 90 million loan to Uganda’s healthcare sector explicitly because of concerns for discrimination in the wake of that law. Then World Bank President Jim Kim also wrote an op-ed in which he stated that discrimination is bad for economies, as well as for societies and individuals. In 2018, in Tanzania the World Bank suspended all missions to the country, explicitly due to discrimination against LGBTI people.
We request a commitment to stop current and future lending to Uganda as long as the law remains in force. We look forward to your determined leadership in this important time.
Unify Movements, Global
Accountability International, South Africa and Sweden
Accountability Lab Nepal
Action Against AIDS Germany
Adhara/Sevilla Checkpoint, Spain
Africa Center for International Law and Accountability, Ghana
Africa Japan Forum
Africa Queer Network, Uganda
Africa Rainbow Family, UK
African Services Committee, USA and Ethiopia
AIDS-Fondet (the Danish AIDS Foundation)
All Out, Global
Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention, Canada
AMATE, El Salvador
Association For Promotion of Sustainable Development, Global
Arms to Lean On (ATLO), Kenya
AVAC, Global
Bank Information Center (BIC), Global
Campaign against Homophobia, Germany
Campaign for Affordable Trastuzumab, India
Center for Popular Democracy, USA
Centre for Popular Education and Human Rights (CEPERHG), Ghana
CHISA, Malawi
Consolation East Africa, Kenya
Council for Global Equality, USA
Creme De La Creme House of Fame Foundation, Nigeria
Deutsche Aidshilfe, Germany
Developing Families Together, Ethiopia
Delhi Network of Positive People (DNP+), India
Dignity Canada Dignité, Canada
East African Network of AIDS Service Organisations (EANNASO), Tanzania
East Africa Trans Health & Advocacy Network (EATHAN), East Africa
Equality Access to Health and Rights Initiative, Nigeria
Equally Unique Initiative, Kenya
F&M Global Barometers, USA
ForumCiv, Sweden
Foundation Earth, USA
Freeblock13 Kakuma, Kenya
Freedom and Roam Uganda
FRI, Norway
Friends of the Global Fight, USA
Fundación Iguales, Chile
galck+, Kenya
Global Alliance for LGBT Education (GALE), Global
Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE), USA
Global Interfaith Network For People of All Sexes, Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions, South Africa
GBGMC, The Netherlands
Global Black Gay Men Connect, Global
Global Fund Advocates Network, Global
Global Fund for Community Foundations, Global
Global Justice Now, UK
Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), Global
God Adores You, Zimbabwe
Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS, South Africa
Hands of Hope, Zimbabwe
Health GAP, Global
HIV Justice Network, Global
HIV Legal Network/ Réseau juridique VIH, Canada
HIV/AIDS People Alliance of Kenya
Hope Alive Health Awareness Initiative (HAHAI), Nigeria
House of Our Pride, Eswatini
House of Rainbow, Global
Housing Works, Inc., USA
Human Rights Campaign, USA
ICASO, Global
Immigration Equality, USA
Indonongo, The Netherlands
Initiative for Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Awareness (ISRHRA), Nigeria
Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB)
International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, USA
International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) Kenya
International Council of AIDS Service Organisations (ICASO), Global
International IDAHO committee, Global
Interfaith Diversity Network of West Africa, Ghana
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) World, Global
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) Europe
Intersex Canada
Intersex Community of Zimbabwe
Journalists for Human Rights, Global
Justice is Global, USA
Kaleidoscope Trust, UK
KP Consortium, Kenya
Latu Human Rights Foundation, Zambia
Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD)
Let’s Walk Uganda
LGBT+ Denmark
LGBT+ Family Coalition, Canada
Manodiversa Bolivia
Micro Rainbow, UK
Minority Defenders Forum, Organization, Uganda and Kenya
Minority Womyn in Action, Kenya
Miss Star International, Global
Mosaic MENA, Lebanon
Most at Risk Young Mothers and Teenage Girls living with HIV Initiative (MOYOTE), Kenya
MPact Global Action, Global
MusicWorks, South Africa
Namibia Diverse Women’s Association (NDWA)
National Harm Reduction Coalition, USA
Nebula Fund, Global
Negem Lela Ken New HIV Positive women Support Organization (NLK), Ethiopia
Office against Discrimination and Racism, and for Intersectionality (ODRI), Global
OutRight International, Global
Ozanne Foundation, Global
Page blanche pour ton histoire, Gabon
Pan Africa ILGA, South Africa
Picture Youth Group Organization, Kenya
Planned Parenthood Global
Positive Vibes Trust, Namibia
PREKURSOR Foundation for Social Policy, Poland
Prevention Access Campaign, Global
Pride at Work Canada/Fierté au travail Canada
Public Citizen, USA
Queer Collective, Kenya
Rainbow of Africa Foundation, Ghana
Rainbow Railroad, Global
Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko, DRC
Reaching Out Winnipeg, Canada
Recourse, The Netherlands
Red Trans de Bolivia
Release, UK
ReportOUT, Global
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, USA + Global
Sangram, India
Schwulenberatung Berlin, Germany
Sex og Politikk (International Planned Parenthood Federation), Norway
Sophiatown Community Psychological Services, South Africa
Space for Marginalised Groups in Diversity in Zimbabwe Trust
Stephen Lewis Foundation, South Africa
Stepping Stones International, Botswana
Stonewall, UK
Swaziland Positive Living, Eswatini
The Enchanté Network, Canada
The People’s Matrix, Lesotho
Trans Noah Alliance, Uganda
Transgender Law Center, USA
Treatment Action Campaign, South Africa
TUSC Concepts, Kenya
UK Community Advisory Board
Umtha Welanga, South Africa
Unibambusiness, Belize
Utopia_BXL, Belgium
WACI Health, South Africa
Watu Center for Health and Advocacy (WACHA), Kenya
Wem Integrated Health Services, Kenya
Western Kenya Pride
Wiceceka Community Support Organization, Rwanda
Wide Horizon Hospice, South Africa
Women Initiative for Sustainable Empowerment and Equality (WISE), Nigeria
Women Of Faith In Action, Uganda
Womens International League for Peace and Freedom Canada
Workplace Pride Foundation, Global
Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini
Zambia Key Populations Consortium