SRHR – Norway as global key actor

The fight for comprehensive sexual education (CSE), abortion and LGBT+ rights is under increased pressure globally. Norwegian government is a global key actor. How can this be enhanced?
Save the date! Join our seminar at Stortinget. Ine Eriksen Søreide, head of the Committee of Foreign Affairs and Defence, has already set aside time. Other parliamentary politicians have also been invited, and with this invitation, so are you!

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is one of six main thematic areas for Norwegian development politics. With an increased international pressure on sexual rights across the world, enhanced by the effects of the pandemic, SRHR is especially important. The fight for CSE, abortion and LGBT+ rights are particularly under increased pressure.
In 2024, we mark 30 years since the UN International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was held in Cairo. At this conference, an action plan was decided by world leaders, that opened for a new global effort SRHR. In 2024 the international society will take stock of progress since then and show way for further strengthening of SRHR. The Cairo-conference in 1994 represented a crossroad in how population issues were addressed, especially SRHR and equality as pillars for valuable population- and development politics globally.
In 2019 Norway committed to grant 9,6 billion NOK for the period 2020-2025 to SRHR at the Nairobi-conference recognizing 25 years since the Cairo-conference. Numbers for 2020-2022 demonstrates that the Norwegian government is well on its way to fulfil these commitments.
At the same time, we know that the need for investment reaches far beyond today’s funding. After the Covid-19 pandemic, with the current war in Ukraine and the increasing political polarization on SRHR, there is an even stronger need for political commitment and funding.
Norway has a unique opportunity to contribute to fight today’s discrimination and commit to realize all humans’ sexual and reproductive health and rights. With a long-lasting, united and interdisciplinary support to SRHR, the Norwegian government is well equipped to promote SRHR politically, as well as further strengthen important financing.
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12:00 Welcome by Åse Kristin Ask Bakke (Ap), head of the All-party parliamentarian Group (Stortingets SRHR-nettverk)
12:10 Progress and pushbacks on SRHR and Norway’s role today by State Secretary Bjørg Sandkjær (Sp)
12:20 SRHR in Mozambique and the need for international support, by Santos Simione from Amodefa (IPPF Mozambique)
12:30 The Nordic region’s role in promoting SRHR, by Ulla Mueller from UNFPA Nordic
12:40 Norways SRHR commitments moving forward, Jon Lomøy, IPPF Norway
12:50 Panel discussion on interdisciplinary and long-term work for SRHR, with Bjørg Sandkjær (Sp), Ine Eriksen Søreide (H), Ulla Mueller (UNFPA Norden), Santos Simione (AMODEFA), Riva Eskinazi (IPPF) and Jon Lomøy (IPPF Norway). Tor-Hugne Olsen from IPPF Norway will lead the panel.