Årsmøteseminar: The war in Ukraine: Sexual rights in crisis

Årsmøteseminar: The war in Ukraine: Sexual rights in crisis

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In this seminar, Sex og Politikk invites our colleagues from the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) to a conversation where we address the consequences the war in Ukraine has for sexual and reproductive health and rights – and how the IPPF works to meet the needs of women and girls in Ukraine and the neighboring countries.

Welcome to Sex and Politikk (IPPF Norway)’s annual meeting seminar.

This event will be in English.
This event will be streamed live.
Register for this event by clicking here.

The war has fatal consequences for the lives of Ukrainians. Increased numbers of sexual and gender-based violence, and a lack of sexual and reproductive health services are part of these. Representatives from IPPFs member associations in Slovakia and Romania will share their experiences on how they work with ensuring that refugees’ sexual rights are protected.

“Babies don’t wait because there is a war. Periods don’t stop because there is a war.” 

Access to sexual and reproductive health services, such as sanitation products and tampons, contraceptives, maternal services and safe abortion services are always important – people menstruate, have sex, give birth and have abortions even during war. 4 million women of reproductive age lived in Ukraine before the war broke out, 265,000 women in the country were pregnant when the war began, and the UN Population Fund estimates that 80,000 Ukrainian children will be born during the first three months of war.

Violence against women is already a major problem globally, and in war and conflict the incidence of violence and abuse increases further. From colleagues in Ukraine and neighboring countries, we hear about violence against women who are on the run, at border crossings, transit centers and in shelters. The risk of sexual exploitation and human trafficking is particularly high at border crossings where refugees are not registered or there is little requirement for documentation, and women travel alone. The risk of violence also increases at the refugee reception centers. Many reception centers are crowded, with few opportunities for privacy, and in some cases with poor lighting and without the possibility of locking toilets and showers.

Programme (to be updated):
The war in Ukraine: Sexual rights in crisis.

16:00-16:10: Welcome, Kristine Bjartnes Senior Adviser, Sex og Politikk (IPPF Norway)

16:10-16:25: «IPPF’s work on humanitarian affairs, with a particular focus on the response to the war in Ukraine» by Julie Taft, Humanitarian Director, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).

16:25-18.00: Panel conversation «Consequences and response to the war in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries».

  • Julie Taft, Humanitarian Director IPPF
  • Zuzana Bendikova, Executive Director SPR (IPPF Slovakia) 
  • Gabriel Brumariu, Project Manager SECS (IPPF Romania) 

Chair of session: Tor-Hugne Olsen, Executive Director Sex og Politikk (IPPF Norway)

We wish everyone welcome to this highly relevant and interesting seminar. This event will be streamed live.

Register for this event by clicking here.

Sex og Politikk’s annual meeting follows after this seminar.
You can read more about this meeting and register to attend by clicking here.